Array ( [year] => 2025 [limit] => 0 [total] => 0 [limitstart] => 0 [months] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [rows] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [rows] => Array ( [0] => jIcalEventRepeat Object ( [_nextRepeat:jIcalEventRepeat:private] => [_prevRepeat:jIcalEventRepeat:private] => [_icsid] => 1 [_repeats] => [data] => stdClass Object ( ) [_unixstartdate] => [_unixenddate] => [_location] => Hunt Club Community & Arts Centre [_contact] => [_extra_info] => [_color] => [_published] => 1 [_multiday] => 0 [_noendtime] => 0 [_catid] => 18 [_ev_id] => 6863 [_uid] => c9491be723b53ad52f367ff0a28767eb [_refreshed] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [_created] => [_created_by] => 149 [_created_by_alias] => [_modified_by] => 149 [_rawdata] => [_recurrence_id] => [_detail_id] => 6911 [_state] => 1 [_lockevent] => 0 [_author_notified] => 0 [_access] => 1 [_tzid] => [_rp_id] => 372349 [_eventid] => 6863 [_eventdetail_id] => 6911 [_duplicatecheck] => e3ea49d3fe54423bc577a448275f2a55 [_startrepeat] => 2025-02-10 10:00:00 [_endrepeat] => 2025-03-03 11:30:00 [_rr_id] => 6849 [_freq] => WEEKLY [_until] => 1740920400 [_untilraw] => [_count] => 9999 [_rinterval] => 1 [_bysecond] => [_byminute] => [_byhour] => [_byday] => MO [_bymonthday] => [_byyearday] => [_byweekno] => [_bymonth] => [_bysetpos] => [_wkst] => [_irregulardates] => Array ( ) [_evdet_id] => 6911 [_dtstart] => 1739142000 [_dtstartraw] => [_duration] => 0 [_durationraw] => [_dtend] => 1740961800 [_dtendraw] => [_dtstamp] => [_class] => [_categories] => [_description] =>Enhance your English skills in this dynamic 4-week program designed to improve your speaking, listening, reading, and writing abilities. Through interactive activities, practical exercises, and personalised feedback, you'll gain the confidence to communicate effectively in everyday situations.Detail information:10 February - 3 March10 -11.30am - $15.00[_geolon] => 0 [_geolat] => 0 [_priority] => 0 [_status] => [_summary] => Everyday English: Build Skills, Build Confidence – NEW 2025 [_organizer] => [_url] => [_sequence] => 0 [_modified] => 2024-12-05 16:10:30 [_hits] => 32 [_loc_id] => 1 [_regopen] => 2016-09-19 13:00:00 [_regclose] => 2016-10-10 18:00:00 [_allrepeats] => 1 [_allowregistration] => 0 [_loc_title] => Hunt Club Community & Arts Centre [_loc_street] => 775 Ballarat Road [_loc_desc] => [_loc_postcode] => 3023 [_loc_city] => Deer Park [_loc_country] => Austalia [_loc_state] => Victoria [_loc_phone] => 92494600 [_loc_image] => [_loc_url] => [_loc_lon] => 144.77888489 [_loc_lat] => -37.77134323 [_loc_zoom] => 13 [_loc_mapicon] => purple-dot.png [_location_category_list] => Community Centre [_location_catid_list] => 12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12 [_yup] => 2025 [_mup] => 02 [_dup] => 10 [_ydn] => 2025 [_mdn] => 03 [_ddn] => 03 [_hup] => 10 [_minup] => 0 [_sup] => 0 [_hdn] => 11 [_mindn] => 30 [_sdn] => 0 [_interval] => 1 [_content] =>Enhance your English skills in this dynamic 4-week program designed to improve your speaking, listening, reading, and writing abilities. Through interactive activities, practical exercises, and personalised feedback, you'll gain the confidence to communicate effectively in everyday situations.Detail information:10 February - 3 March10 -11.30am - $15.00[_title] => Everyday English: Build Skills, Build Confidence – NEW 2025 [_publish_up] => 2025-02-10 10:00:00 [_reccurtype] => 0 [_reccurday] => [_reccurweekdays] => [_reccurweeks] => [_alldayevent] => 0 [_unixstarttime] => 1739142000 [_unixendtime] => 1740961800 [_useCatColor] => 1 [_color_bar] => #ffffff [_publish_down] => 2025-03-03 11:30:00 [_contactlink] => n/a [rsvpdata] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 6287 [ev_id] => 6863 [allowregistration] => 0 [allowcancellation] => 0 [allrepeats] => 1 [invites] => 0 [showattendees] => 0 [message] =>Hello {NAME}
[subject] => You are invited to attend {EVENT} ON {DATE}%d %B %Y{/DATE} [allowreminders] => 0 [remindersubject] => Event Reminder : {EVENT} ON {DATE}%d %B %Y{/DATE} [remindermessage] =>
You are invited to attend {EVENT} ON {DATE}%d %B %Y{/DATE}.
View event details and confirm your attendance {LINK}here{/LINK}
Here is your reminder for your upcoming event.
Title: {EVENT}
Time: {TIME}%H:%M{/TIME}
Date: {DATE}%d %B %Y{/DATE}View event and attendance details: {LINK}here{/LINK}
[remindernotice] => 86400 [remindallrepeats] => 1 [hidenoninvitees] => 0 [allinvites] => 1 [template] => 1 [capacity] => 0 [regclose] => 2016-10-10 18:00:00 [attendintro] => [regopen] => 2016-09-19 13:00:00 [cancelclose] => 2016-10-10 18:00:00 [waitingcapacity] => 0 [overrideprice] => [conditionsession] => [initialstate] => 1 [params] => [allowchanges] => 0 [sessionaccess] => -1 [sessionaccessmessage] => ) ) ) ) [3] => Array ( [rows] => Array ( ) ) [4] => Array ( [rows] => Array ( ) ) [5] => Array ( [rows] => Array ( ) ) [6] => Array ( [rows] => Array ( ) ) [7] => Array ( [rows] => Array ( ) ) [8] => Array ( [rows] => Array ( ) ) [9] => Array ( [rows] => Array ( ) ) [10] => Array ( [rows] => Array ( ) ) [11] => Array ( [rows] => Array ( ) ) [12] => Array ( [rows] => Array ( ) ) ) )
2025 | |
February 2025 |