Array ( [year] => 2025 [limit] => 0 [total] => 0 [limitstart] => 0 [months] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [rows] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [rows] => Array ( [0] => jIcalEventRepeat Object ( [_nextRepeat:jIcalEventRepeat:private] => [_prevRepeat:jIcalEventRepeat:private] => [_icsid] => 1 [_repeats] => [data] => stdClass Object ( ) [_unixstartdate] => [_unixenddate] => [_location] => Keilor Community Hub [_contact] => [_extra_info] => [_color] => [_published] => 1 [_multiday] => 0 [_noendtime] => 0 [_catid] => 9 [_ev_id] => 6577 [_uid] => 15bedce6fcc48bceaed9b7e0dcbd01f8 [_refreshed] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [_created] => [_created_by] => 156 [_created_by_alias] => [_modified_by] => 156 [_rawdata] => [_recurrence_id] => [_detail_id] => 6625 [_state] => 1 [_lockevent] => 0 [_author_notified] => 0 [_access] => 1 [_tzid] => [_rp_id] => 372824 [_eventid] => 6577 [_eventdetail_id] => 6625 [_duplicatecheck] => 8c712dedb5ef524d1686fdf08ca2a9b1 [_startrepeat] => 2025-02-03 10:00:00 [_endrepeat] => 2025-06-01 12:00:00 [_rr_id] => 6568 [_freq] => WEEKLY [_until] => 1738501200 [_untilraw] => [_count] => 9999 [_rinterval] => 1 [_bysecond] => [_byminute] => [_byhour] => [_byday] => MO,TU [_bymonthday] => [_byyearday] => [_byweekno] => [_bymonth] => [_bysetpos] => [_wkst] => [_irregulardates] => Array ( ) [_evdet_id] => 6625 [_dtstart] => 1738537200 [_dtstartraw] => [_duration] => 0 [_durationraw] => [_dtend] => 1728262800 [_dtendraw] => [_dtstamp] => [_class] => [_categories] => [_description] =>A social group to share your interest in quilting and patchwork. Bring your projects to work on.
*Please note you can only enrol in ONE of the classes listed below:
A social group to share your interest in quilting and patchwork. Bring your projects to work on.
*Please note you can only enrol in ONE of the classes listed below:
Hello {NAME}
You are invited to attend {EVENT} ON {DATE}%d %B %Y{/DATE}.
View event details and confirm your attendance {LINK}here{/LINK}
Dear {NAME}.
Here is your reminder for your upcoming event.
Title: {EVENT}
Time: {TIME}%H:%M{/TIME}
Date: {DATE}%d %B %Y{/DATE}
View event and attendance details: {LINK}here{/LINK}
[remindernotice] => 86400 [remindallrepeats] => 1 [hidenoninvitees] => 0 [allinvites] => 1 [template] => 1 [capacity] => 0 [regclose] => 2024-07-15 00:00:00 [attendintro] => [regopen] => 2024-06-14 15:00:00 [cancelclose] => 2024-07-15 00:00:00 [waitingcapacity] => 0 [overrideprice] => [conditionsession] => [initialstate] => 1 [params] => [allowchanges] => 0 [sessionaccess] => -1 [sessionaccessmessage] => ) ) ) ) [3] => Array ( [rows] => Array ( ) ) [4] => Array ( [rows] => Array ( ) ) [5] => Array ( [rows] => Array ( ) ) [6] => Array ( [rows] => Array ( ) ) [7] => Array ( [rows] => Array ( ) ) [8] => Array ( [rows] => Array ( ) ) [9] => Array ( [rows] => Array ( ) ) [10] => Array ( [rows] => Array ( ) ) [11] => Array ( [rows] => Array ( ) ) [12] => Array ( [rows] => Array ( ) ) ) )
2025 | |
February 2025 |