Keilor Library Calendar

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top of the default/year/listevents template override
top of the default/year/listevents_body template override
    [year] => 2025
    [limit] => 0
    [total] => 0
    [limitstart] => 0
    [months] => Array
            [1] => Array
                    [rows] => Array


            [2] => Array
                    [rows] => Array


            [3] => Array
                    [rows] => Array
                            [0] => jIcalEventRepeat Object
                                    [_nextRepeat:jIcalEventRepeat:private] => 
                                    [_prevRepeat:jIcalEventRepeat:private] => 
                                    [_icsid] => 1
                                    [_repeats] => 
                                    [data] => stdClass Object

                                    [_unixstartdate] => 
                                    [_unixenddate] => 
                                    [_location] => Keilor Library
                                    [_contact] => 
                                    [_extra_info] => 
                                    [_color] => 
                                    [_published] => 1
                                    [_multiday] => 0
                                    [_noendtime] => 0
                                    [_catid] => 19
                                    [_ev_id] => 6791
                                    [_uid] => cce6ef2a1ba7c223652506ddb01ccf13
                                    [_refreshed] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00
                                    [_created] => 
                                    [_created_by] => 150
                                    [_created_by_alias] => 
                                    [_modified_by] => 150
                                    [_rawdata] => 
                                    [_recurrence_id] => 
                                    [_detail_id] => 6839
                                    [_state] => 1
                                    [_lockevent] => 0
                                    [_author_notified] => 0
                                    [_access] => 1
                                    [_tzid] => 
                                    [_rp_id] => 373171
                                    [_eventid] => 6791
                                    [_eventdetail_id] => 6839
                                    [_duplicatecheck] => 9c68f915e0e8dbafd875a8081cab4393
                                    [_startrepeat] => 2025-03-11 14:00:00
                                    [_endrepeat] => 2025-03-11 14:30:00
                                    [_rr_id] => 6777
                                    [_freq] => WEEKLY
                                    [_until] => 1743426000
                                    [_untilraw] => 
                                    [_count] => 9999
                                    [_rinterval] => 1
                                    [_bysecond] => 
                                    [_byminute] => 
                                    [_byhour] => 
                                    [_byday] => TU
                                    [_bymonthday] => 
                                    [_byyearday] => 
                                    [_byweekno] => 
                                    [_bymonth] => 
                                    [_bysetpos] => 
                                    [_wkst] => 
                                    [_irregulardates] => Array

                                    [_evdet_id] => 6839
                                    [_dtstart] => 1738033200
                                    [_dtstartraw] => 
                                    [_duration] => 0
                                    [_durationraw] => 
                                    [_dtend] => 1738035000
                                    [_dtendraw] => 
                                    [_dtstamp] => 
                                    [_class] => 
                                    [_categories] => 
                                    [_description] => 

For ages: 0-18 months
Duration: 30 minutes

Keilor Library – Tuesdays, 2.00pm

Have fun sharing songs and rhymes in this pre-literacy program for parents and babies with our weekly Baby Bounce sessions.

Registrations are not required.

This program runs during the school term, except on public holidays.

Not yet a Brimbank Libraries member? Return yourself to the library! Join today.

If you have accessibility questions or requirements, please contact us at Brimbank Libraries.

Brimbank City Council uses photography and video within their events for promotions. Photos and video are used for library marketing, social media and website/digital promotions purposes. If you do not wish to have any photos or videos taken of you during the event, please inform the staff at the session.

[_geolon] => 0 [_geolat] => 0 [_priority] => 0 [_status] => [_summary] => Baby Bounce - Keilor Library [_organizer] => [_url] => [_sequence] => 0 [_modified] => 2025-01-20 14:24:02 [_hits] => 428 [_loc_id] => 15 [_regopen] => 2024-11-06 14:00:00 [_regclose] => 2024-11-06 08:00:00 [_allrepeats] => 1 [_allowregistration] => 0 [_loc_title] => Keilor Library [_loc_street] => 704B Old Calder Highway [_loc_desc] => [_loc_postcode] => 3036 [_loc_city] => Keilor [_loc_country] => Australia [_loc_state] => VIC [_loc_phone] => 92494670 [_loc_image] => [_loc_url] => [_loc_lon] => 144.83441162 [_loc_lat] => -37.71869278 [_loc_zoom] => 10 [_loc_mapicon] => blue-dot.png [_location_category_list] => Library [_location_catid_list] => 13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13 [_yup] => 2025 [_mup] => 03 [_dup] => 11 [_ydn] => 2025 [_mdn] => 03 [_ddn] => 11 [_hup] => 14 [_minup] => 0 [_sup] => 0 [_hdn] => 14 [_mindn] => 30 [_sdn] => 0 [_interval] => 1 [_content] =>

For ages: 0-18 months
Duration: 30 minutes

Keilor Library – Tuesdays, 2.00pm

Have fun sharing songs and rhymes in this pre-literacy program for parents and babies with our weekly Baby Bounce sessions.

Registrations are not required.

This program runs during the school term, except on public holidays.

Not yet a Brimbank Libraries member? Return yourself to the library! Join today.

If you have accessibility questions or requirements, please contact us at Brimbank Libraries.

Brimbank City Council uses photography and video within their events for promotions. Photos and video are used for library marketing, social media and website/digital promotions purposes. If you do not wish to have any photos or videos taken of you during the event, please inform the staff at the session.

[_title] => Baby Bounce - Keilor Library [_publish_up] => 2025-03-11 14:00:00 [_reccurtype] => 0 [_reccurday] => [_reccurweekdays] => [_reccurweeks] => [_alldayevent] => 0 [_unixstarttime] => 1741662000 [_unixendtime] => 1741663800 [_useCatColor] => 1 [_color_bar] => #ffffff [_publish_down] => 2025-03-11 14:30:00 [_contactlink] => n/a [rsvpdata] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 6215 [ev_id] => 6791 [allowregistration] => 0 [allowcancellation] => 0 [allrepeats] => 1 [invites] => 0 [showattendees] => 0 [message] =>

Hello {NAME}
You are invited to attend {EVENT} ON {DATE}%d %B %Y{/DATE}.
View event details and confirm your attendance {LINK}here{/LINK}

[subject] => You are invited to attend {EVENT} ON {DATE}%d %B %Y{/DATE} [allowreminders] => 0 [remindersubject] => Event Reminder : {EVENT} ON {DATE}%d %B %Y{/DATE} [remindermessage] =>

Dear {NAME}.

Here is your reminder for your upcoming event. 

Title: {EVENT}
Time: {TIME}%H:%M{/TIME}
Date: {DATE}%d %B %Y{/DATE}

View event and attendance details: {LINK}here{/LINK}


[remindernotice] => 86400 [remindallrepeats] => 1 [hidenoninvitees] => 0 [allinvites] => 1 [template] => 1 [capacity] => 0 [regclose] => 2024-11-06 08:00:00 [attendintro] => [regopen] => 2024-11-06 14:00:00 [cancelclose] => 2024-11-06 08:00:00 [waitingcapacity] => 0 [overrideprice] => [conditionsession] => [initialstate] => 1 [params] => [allowchanges] => 0 [sessionaccess] => -1 [sessionaccessmessage] => ) ) [1] => jIcalEventRepeat Object ( [_nextRepeat:jIcalEventRepeat:private] => [_prevRepeat:jIcalEventRepeat:private] => [_icsid] => 1 [_repeats] => [data] => stdClass Object ( ) [_unixstartdate] => [_unixenddate] => [_location] => Keilor Library [_contact] => [_extra_info] => [_color] => [_published] => 1 [_multiday] => 0 [_noendtime] => 0 [_catid] => 19 [_ev_id] => 6803 [_uid] => 2631d9cd9d94745d22ba2c88ea3eaac7 [_refreshed] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [_created] => [_created_by] => 150 [_created_by_alias] => [_modified_by] => 150 [_rawdata] => [_recurrence_id] => [_detail_id] => 6851 [_state] => 1 [_lockevent] => 0 [_author_notified] => 0 [_access] => 1 [_tzid] => [_rp_id] => 373260 [_eventid] => 6803 [_eventdetail_id] => 6851 [_duplicatecheck] => 8fec889599d5ac630094736a6849fa33 [_startrepeat] => 2025-03-12 10:30:00 [_endrepeat] => 2025-03-12 11:00:00 [_rr_id] => 6789 [_freq] => WEEKLY [_until] => 1743512400 [_untilraw] => [_count] => 9999 [_rinterval] => 1 [_bysecond] => [_byminute] => [_byhour] => [_byday] => WE [_bymonthday] => [_byyearday] => [_byweekno] => [_bymonth] => [_bysetpos] => [_wkst] => [_irregulardates] => Array ( ) [_evdet_id] => 6851 [_dtstart] => 1738107000 [_dtstartraw] => [_duration] => 0 [_durationraw] => [_dtend] => 1738108800 [_dtendraw] => [_dtstamp] => [_class] => [_categories] => [_description] =>

Let’s read together! Encourage your child’s love of reading with our weekly Preschool Storytime sessions.

 Registrations are not required.

The program runs during the school term, except on public holidays. 

For ages: 3-5 years
Duration: 30 minutes

Keilor Library – Wednesdays, 10:30am

Return yourself to the library! Join today.

If you have accessibility questions or requirements, please contact us at Brimbank Libraries.

Brimbank City Council uses photography and video within their events for promotions. Photos and video are used for library marketing, social media and website/digital promotions purposes. Please notify staff if you do not give permission for any photos/video of registered adults and children to be taken during this event.

[_geolon] => 0 [_geolat] => 0 [_priority] => 0 [_status] => [_summary] => Preschool Storytime - Keilor Library [_organizer] => [_url] => [_sequence] => 0 [_modified] => 2025-01-20 14:38:15 [_hits] => 482 [_loc_id] => 15 [_regopen] => 2024-04-04 09:00:00 [_regclose] => 2024-05-06 14:00:00 [_allrepeats] => 1 [_allowregistration] => 0 [_loc_title] => Keilor Library [_loc_street] => 704B Old Calder Highway [_loc_desc] => [_loc_postcode] => 3036 [_loc_city] => Keilor [_loc_country] => Australia [_loc_state] => VIC [_loc_phone] => 92494670 [_loc_image] => [_loc_url] => [_loc_lon] => 144.83441162 [_loc_lat] => -37.71869278 [_loc_zoom] => 10 [_loc_mapicon] => blue-dot.png [_location_category_list] => Library [_location_catid_list] => 13,13,13,13 [_yup] => 2025 [_mup] => 03 [_dup] => 12 [_ydn] => 2025 [_mdn] => 03 [_ddn] => 12 [_hup] => 10 [_minup] => 30 [_sup] => 0 [_hdn] => 11 [_mindn] => 0 [_sdn] => 0 [_interval] => 1 [_content] =>

Let’s read together! Encourage your child’s love of reading with our weekly Preschool Storytime sessions.

 Registrations are not required.

The program runs during the school term, except on public holidays. 

For ages: 3-5 years
Duration: 30 minutes

Keilor Library – Wednesdays, 10:30am

Return yourself to the library! Join today.

If you have accessibility questions or requirements, please contact us at Brimbank Libraries.

Brimbank City Council uses photography and video within their events for promotions. Photos and video are used for library marketing, social media and website/digital promotions purposes. Please notify staff if you do not give permission for any photos/video of registered adults and children to be taken during this event.

[_title] => Preschool Storytime - Keilor Library [_publish_up] => 2025-03-12 10:30:00 [_reccurtype] => 0 [_reccurday] => [_reccurweekdays] => [_reccurweeks] => [_alldayevent] => 0 [_unixstarttime] => 1741735800 [_unixendtime] => 1741737600 [_useCatColor] => 1 [_color_bar] => #ffffff [_publish_down] => 2025-03-12 11:00:00 [_contactlink] => n/a [rsvpdata] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 6227 [ev_id] => 6803 [allowregistration] => 0 [allowcancellation] => 0 [allrepeats] => 1 [invites] => 0 [showattendees] => 0 [message] =>

Hello {NAME}
You are invited to attend {EVENT} ON {DATE}%d %B %Y{/DATE}.
View event details and confirm your attendance {LINK}here{/LINK}

[subject] => You are invited to attend {EVENT} ON {DATE}%d %B %Y{/DATE} [allowreminders] => 0 [remindersubject] => Event Reminder : {EVENT} ON {DATE}%d %B %Y{/DATE} [remindermessage] =>

Dear {NAME}.

Here is your reminder for your upcoming event. 

Title: {EVENT}
Time: {TIME}%H:%M{/TIME}
Date: {DATE}%d %B %Y{/DATE}

View event and attendance details: {LINK}here{/LINK}


[remindernotice] => 86400 [remindallrepeats] => 1 [hidenoninvitees] => 0 [allinvites] => 1 [template] => 1 [capacity] => 0 [regclose] => 2024-05-06 14:00:00 [attendintro] => [regopen] => 2024-04-04 09:00:00 [cancelclose] => 2024-05-06 14:00:00 [waitingcapacity] => 0 [overrideprice] => [conditionsession] => [initialstate] => 1 [params] => [allowchanges] => 0 [sessionaccess] => -1 [sessionaccessmessage] => ) ) [2] => jIcalEventRepeat Object ( [_nextRepeat:jIcalEventRepeat:private] => [_prevRepeat:jIcalEventRepeat:private] => [_icsid] => 1 [_repeats] => [data] => stdClass Object ( ) [_unixstartdate] => [_unixenddate] => [_location] => Keilor Library [_contact] => [_extra_info] => [_color] => [_published] => 1 [_multiday] => 0 [_noendtime] => 0 [_catid] => 19 [_ev_id] => 6810 [_uid] => 96ea0f685e1a787bb0b3ea67ad938efd [_refreshed] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [_created] => [_created_by] => 150 [_created_by_alias] => [_modified_by] => 150 [_rawdata] => [_recurrence_id] => [_detail_id] => 6858 [_state] => 1 [_lockevent] => 0 [_author_notified] => 0 [_access] => 1 [_tzid] => [_rp_id] => 373346 [_eventid] => 6810 [_eventdetail_id] => 6858 [_duplicatecheck] => b6a79d9f2d6a8855a2f1c964573b6f9a [_startrepeat] => 2025-03-13 16:00:00 [_endrepeat] => 2025-03-13 17:00:00 [_rr_id] => 6796 [_freq] => WEEKLY [_until] => 1743598800 [_untilraw] => [_count] => 9999 [_rinterval] => 1 [_bysecond] => [_byminute] => [_byhour] => [_byday] => TH [_bymonthday] => [_byyearday] => [_byweekno] => [_bymonth] => [_bysetpos] => [_wkst] => [_irregulardates] => Array ( ) [_evdet_id] => 6858 [_dtstart] => 1738213200 [_dtstartraw] => [_duration] => 0 [_durationraw] => [_dtend] => 1738216800 [_dtendraw] => [_dtstamp] => [_class] => [_categories] => [_description] =>

Make and create each week with our afterschool STEAM program.

From games designed to inspire strategic thinking and heath, creative crafts to robotics, we explore fun and exciting projects to help your children understand the world around them.

This program runs during the school term, except on public holidays.

For ages: 5-13 years
Duration: 1 hour

Keilor Library - Thursdays, 4 - 5pm

Return yourself to the library! Join today.

If you have accessibility questions or requirements, please contact us at Brimbank Libraries.

Brimbank City Council uses photography and video within their events for promotions. Photos and video are used for library marketing, social media and website/digital promotions purposes. Please notify staff if you do not give permission for any photos/video of registered adults and children to be taken during this event.

[_geolon] => 0 [_geolat] => 0 [_priority] => 0 [_status] => [_summary] => After School Activity Zone - Keilor Library [_organizer] => [_url] => [_sequence] => 0 [_modified] => 2025-01-20 15:57:02 [_hits] => 460 [_loc_id] => 15 [_regopen] => 2024-04-04 10:00:00 [_regclose] => 2024-04-17 16:00:00 [_allrepeats] => 1 [_allowregistration] => 0 [_loc_title] => Keilor Library [_loc_street] => 704B Old Calder Highway [_loc_desc] => [_loc_postcode] => 3036 [_loc_city] => Keilor [_loc_country] => Australia [_loc_state] => VIC [_loc_phone] => 92494670 [_loc_image] => [_loc_url] => [_loc_lon] => 144.83441162 [_loc_lat] => -37.71869278 [_loc_zoom] => 10 [_loc_mapicon] => blue-dot.png [_location_category_list] => Library [_location_catid_list] => 13,13,13,13 [_yup] => 2025 [_mup] => 03 [_dup] => 13 [_ydn] => 2025 [_mdn] => 03 [_ddn] => 13 [_hup] => 16 [_minup] => 0 [_sup] => 0 [_hdn] => 17 [_mindn] => 0 [_sdn] => 0 [_interval] => 1 [_content] =>

Make and create each week with our afterschool STEAM program.

From games designed to inspire strategic thinking and heath, creative crafts to robotics, we explore fun and exciting projects to help your children understand the world around them.

This program runs during the school term, except on public holidays.

For ages: 5-13 years
Duration: 1 hour

Keilor Library - Thursdays, 4 - 5pm

Return yourself to the library! Join today.

If you have accessibility questions or requirements, please contact us at Brimbank Libraries.

Brimbank City Council uses photography and video within their events for promotions. Photos and video are used for library marketing, social media and website/digital promotions purposes. Please notify staff if you do not give permission for any photos/video of registered adults and children to be taken during this event.

[_title] => After School Activity Zone - Keilor Library [_publish_up] => 2025-03-13 16:00:00 [_reccurtype] => 0 [_reccurday] => [_reccurweekdays] => [_reccurweeks] => [_alldayevent] => 0 [_unixstarttime] => 1741842000 [_unixendtime] => 1741845600 [_useCatColor] => 1 [_color_bar] => #ffffff [_publish_down] => 2025-03-13 17:00:00 [_contactlink] => n/a [rsvpdata] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 6234 [ev_id] => 6810 [allowregistration] => 0 [allowcancellation] => 0 [allrepeats] => 1 [invites] => 0 [showattendees] => 0 [message] =>

Hello {NAME}
You are invited to attend {EVENT} ON {DATE}%d %B %Y{/DATE}.
View event details and confirm your attendance {LINK}here{/LINK}

[subject] => You are invited to attend {EVENT} ON {DATE}%d %B %Y{/DATE} [allowreminders] => 0 [remindersubject] => Event Reminder : {EVENT} ON {DATE}%d %B %Y{/DATE} [remindermessage] =>

Dear {NAME}.

Here is your reminder for your upcoming event. 

Title: {EVENT}
Time: {TIME}%H:%M{/TIME}
Date: {DATE}%d %B %Y{/DATE}

View event and attendance details: {LINK}here{/LINK}


[remindernotice] => 86400 [remindallrepeats] => 1 [hidenoninvitees] => 0 [allinvites] => 1 [template] => 1 [capacity] => 0 [regclose] => 2024-04-17 16:00:00 [attendintro] => [regopen] => 2024-04-04 10:00:00 [cancelclose] => 2024-04-17 16:00:00 [waitingcapacity] => 0 [overrideprice] => [conditionsession] => [initialstate] => 1 [params] => [allowchanges] => 0 [sessionaccess] => -1 [sessionaccessmessage] => ) ) [3] => jIcalEventRepeat Object ( [_nextRepeat:jIcalEventRepeat:private] => [_prevRepeat:jIcalEventRepeat:private] => [_icsid] => 1 [_repeats] => [data] => stdClass Object ( ) [_unixstartdate] => [_unixenddate] => [_location] => Keilor Library [_contact] => [_extra_info] => [_color] => [_published] => 1 [_multiday] => 0 [_noendtime] => 0 [_catid] => 19 [_ev_id] => 6813 [_uid] => b6b08e3ce1d0a6f3d190b4e38f15244f [_refreshed] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [_created] => [_created_by] => 150 [_created_by_alias] => [_modified_by] => 150 [_rawdata] => [_recurrence_id] => [_detail_id] => 6861 [_state] => 1 [_lockevent] => 0 [_author_notified] => 0 [_access] => 1 [_tzid] => [_rp_id] => 373394 [_eventid] => 6813 [_eventdetail_id] => 6861 [_duplicatecheck] => 48eb0681d5d8ff54a5b6895a4b7a0642 [_startrepeat] => 2025-03-14 15:30:00 [_endrepeat] => 2025-03-14 16:30:00 [_rr_id] => 6799 [_freq] => WEEKLY [_until] => 1743685200 [_untilraw] => [_count] => 9999 [_rinterval] => 1 [_bysecond] => [_byminute] => [_byhour] => [_byday] => FR [_bymonthday] => [_byyearday] => [_byweekno] => [_bymonth] => [_bysetpos] => [_wkst] => [_irregulardates] => Array ( ) [_evdet_id] => 6861 [_dtstart] => 1738297800 [_dtstartraw] => [_duration] => 0 [_durationraw] => [_dtend] => 1738301400 [_dtendraw] => [_dtstamp] => [_class] => [_categories] => [_description] =>

Discover the world of LEGO!

Make crazy contraptions and wondrous worlds each week with our LEGO club.

This program runs during the school term, except on public holidays.

For ages: 6-12 years
Duration: between 1 – 2.5 hours

Keilor Library - Fridays, 3.30 - 4.30pm

Return yourself to the library! Join today.

If you have accessibility questions or requirements, please contact us at Brimbank Libraries.

Brimbank City Council uses photography and video within their events for promotions. Photos and video are used for library marketing, social media and website/digital promotions purposes. Please notify staff if you do not give permission for any photos/video of registered adults and children to be taken during this event.

[_geolon] => 0 [_geolat] => 0 [_priority] => 0 [_status] => [_summary] => Lego Club - Keilor Library [_organizer] => [_url] => [_sequence] => 0 [_modified] => 2025-01-23 13:18:50 [_hits] => 437 [_loc_id] => 15 [_regopen] => 2024-04-04 10:00:00 [_regclose] => 2024-04-17 16:00:00 [_allrepeats] => 1 [_allowregistration] => 0 [_loc_title] => Keilor Library [_loc_street] => 704B Old Calder Highway [_loc_desc] => [_loc_postcode] => 3036 [_loc_city] => Keilor [_loc_country] => Australia [_loc_state] => VIC [_loc_phone] => 92494670 [_loc_image] => [_loc_url] => [_loc_lon] => 144.83441162 [_loc_lat] => -37.71869278 [_loc_zoom] => 10 [_loc_mapicon] => blue-dot.png [_location_category_list] => Library [_location_catid_list] => 13,13,13,13 [_yup] => 2025 [_mup] => 03 [_dup] => 14 [_ydn] => 2025 [_mdn] => 03 [_ddn] => 14 [_hup] => 15 [_minup] => 30 [_sup] => 0 [_hdn] => 16 [_mindn] => 30 [_sdn] => 0 [_interval] => 1 [_content] =>

Discover the world of LEGO!

Make crazy contraptions and wondrous worlds each week with our LEGO club.

This program runs during the school term, except on public holidays.

For ages: 6-12 years
Duration: between 1 – 2.5 hours

Keilor Library - Fridays, 3.30 - 4.30pm

Return yourself to the library! Join today.

If you have accessibility questions or requirements, please contact us at Brimbank Libraries.

Brimbank City Council uses photography and video within their events for promotions. Photos and video are used for library marketing, social media and website/digital promotions purposes. Please notify staff if you do not give permission for any photos/video of registered adults and children to be taken during this event.

[_title] => Lego Club - Keilor Library [_publish_up] => 2025-03-14 15:30:00 [_reccurtype] => 0 [_reccurday] => [_reccurweekdays] => [_reccurweeks] => [_alldayevent] => 0 [_unixstarttime] => 1741926600 [_unixendtime] => 1741930200 [_useCatColor] => 1 [_color_bar] => #ffffff [_publish_down] => 2025-03-14 16:30:00 [_contactlink] => n/a [rsvpdata] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 6237 [ev_id] => 6813 [allowregistration] => 0 [allowcancellation] => 0 [allrepeats] => 1 [invites] => 0 [showattendees] => 0 [message] =>

Hello {NAME}
You are invited to attend {EVENT} ON {DATE}%d %B %Y{/DATE}.
View event details and confirm your attendance {LINK}here{/LINK}

[subject] => You are invited to attend {EVENT} ON {DATE}%d %B %Y{/DATE} [allowreminders] => 0 [remindersubject] => Event Reminder : {EVENT} ON {DATE}%d %B %Y{/DATE} [remindermessage] =>

Dear {NAME}.

Here is your reminder for your upcoming event. 

Title: {EVENT}
Time: {TIME}%H:%M{/TIME}
Date: {DATE}%d %B %Y{/DATE}

View event and attendance details: {LINK}here{/LINK}


[remindernotice] => 86400 [remindallrepeats] => 1 [hidenoninvitees] => 0 [allinvites] => 1 [template] => 1 [capacity] => 0 [regclose] => 2024-04-17 16:00:00 [attendintro] => [regopen] => 2024-04-04 10:00:00 [cancelclose] => 2024-04-17 16:00:00 [waitingcapacity] => 0 [overrideprice] => [conditionsession] => [initialstate] => 1 [params] => [allowchanges] => 0 [sessionaccess] => -1 [sessionaccessmessage] => ) ) ) ) [4] => Array ( [rows] => Array ( [0] => jIcalEventRepeat Object ( [_nextRepeat:jIcalEventRepeat:private] => [_prevRepeat:jIcalEventRepeat:private] => [_icsid] => 1 [_repeats] => [data] => stdClass Object ( ) [_unixstartdate] => [_unixenddate] => [_location] => Keilor Library [_contact] => [_extra_info] => [_color] => [_published] => 1 [_multiday] => 0 [_noendtime] => 0 [_catid] => 9 [_ev_id] => 6427 [_uid] => e9f1b2b407609e2b0007617c68626174 [_refreshed] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [_created] => [_created_by] => 150 [_created_by_alias] => [_modified_by] => 150 [_rawdata] => [_recurrence_id] => [_detail_id] => 6475 [_state] => 1 [_lockevent] => 0 [_author_notified] => 0 [_access] => 1 [_tzid] => [_rp_id] => 373470 [_eventid] => 6427 [_eventdetail_id] => 6475 [_duplicatecheck] => 55a82fb4fa911d47aab4c252da03dacb [_startrepeat] => 2025-04-03 14:00:00 [_endrepeat] => 2025-04-03 15:00:00 [_rr_id] => 6419 [_freq] => MONTHLY [_until] => 1764766800 [_untilraw] => [_count] => 9999 [_rinterval] => 1 [_bysecond] => [_byminute] => [_byhour] => [_byday] => +1TH [_bymonthday] => [_byyearday] => [_byweekno] => [_bymonth] => [_bysetpos] => [_wkst] => [_irregulardates] => Array ( ) [_evdet_id] => 6475 [_dtstart] => 1738810800 [_dtstartraw] => [_duration] => 0 [_durationraw] => [_dtend] => 1738814400 [_dtendraw] => [_dtstamp] => [_class] => [_categories] => [_description] =>

Love books? Discover new reads and meet new friends with our Brimbank Book Groups.
Be inspired by thought-provoking books while meeting new literary fans.

For ages: Adults
Duration: 1 hour

Keilor Library – 1st Thursday of each month, 2 - 3pm

Return yourself to the library! Join today.

If you have accessibility questions or requirements, please contact us at Brimbank Libraries.

[_geolon] => 0 [_geolat] => 0 [_priority] => 0 [_status] => [_summary] => Brimbank Book Group - Keilor Library [_organizer] => [_url] => [_sequence] => 0 [_modified] => 2025-01-23 14:26:45 [_hits] => 292 [_loc_id] => 15 [_regopen] => 2024-04-04 10:00:00 [_regclose] => 2024-04-04 14:00:00 [_allrepeats] => 1 [_allowregistration] => 0 [_loc_title] => Keilor Library [_loc_street] => 704B Old Calder Highway [_loc_desc] => [_loc_postcode] => 3036 [_loc_city] => Keilor [_loc_country] => Australia [_loc_state] => VIC [_loc_phone] => 92494670 [_loc_image] => [_loc_url] => [_loc_lon] => 144.83441162 [_loc_lat] => -37.71869278 [_loc_zoom] => 10 [_loc_mapicon] => blue-dot.png [_location_category_list] => Library [_location_catid_list] => 13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13 [_yup] => 2025 [_mup] => 04 [_dup] => 03 [_ydn] => 2025 [_mdn] => 04 [_ddn] => 03 [_hup] => 14 [_minup] => 0 [_sup] => 0 [_hdn] => 15 [_mindn] => 0 [_sdn] => 0 [_interval] => 1 [_content] =>

Love books? Discover new reads and meet new friends with our Brimbank Book Groups.
Be inspired by thought-provoking books while meeting new literary fans.

For ages: Adults
Duration: 1 hour

Keilor Library – 1st Thursday of each month, 2 - 3pm

Return yourself to the library! Join today.

If you have accessibility questions or requirements, please contact us at Brimbank Libraries.

[_title] => Brimbank Book Group - Keilor Library [_publish_up] => 2025-04-03 14:00:00 [_reccurtype] => 0 [_reccurday] => [_reccurweekdays] => [_reccurweeks] => [_alldayevent] => 0 [_unixstarttime] => 1743649200 [_unixendtime] => 1743652800 [_useCatColor] => 1 [_color_bar] => #ffffff [_publish_down] => 2025-04-03 15:00:00 [_contactlink] => n/a [rsvpdata] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5857 [ev_id] => 6427 [allowregistration] => 0 [allowcancellation] => 0 [allrepeats] => 1 [invites] => 0 [showattendees] => 0 [message] =>

Hello {NAME}
You are invited to attend {EVENT} ON {DATE}%d %B %Y{/DATE}.
View event details and confirm your attendance {LINK}here{/LINK}

[subject] => You are invited to attend {EVENT} ON {DATE}%d %B %Y{/DATE} [allowreminders] => 0 [remindersubject] => Event Reminder : {EVENT} ON {DATE}%d %B %Y{/DATE} [remindermessage] =>

Dear {NAME}.

Here is your reminder for your upcoming event. 

Title: {EVENT}
Time: {TIME}%H:%M{/TIME}
Date: {DATE}%d %B %Y{/DATE}

View event and attendance details: {LINK}here{/LINK}


[remindernotice] => 86400 [remindallrepeats] => 1 [hidenoninvitees] => 0 [allinvites] => 1 [template] => 1 [capacity] => 0 [regclose] => 2024-04-04 14:00:00 [attendintro] => [regopen] => 2024-04-04 10:00:00 [cancelclose] => 2024-04-04 14:00:00 [waitingcapacity] => 0 [overrideprice] => [conditionsession] => [initialstate] => 1 [params] => [allowchanges] => 0 [sessionaccess] => -1 [sessionaccessmessage] => ) ) ) ) [5] => Array ( [rows] => Array ( ) ) [6] => Array ( [rows] => Array ( ) ) [7] => Array ( [rows] => Array ( ) ) [8] => Array ( [rows] => Array ( ) ) [9] => Array ( [rows] => Array ( ) ) [10] => Array ( [rows] => Array ( ) ) [11] => Array ( [rows] => Array ( ) ) [12] => Array ( [rows] => Array ( ) ) ) )
Events for
March 2025
April 2025