Sat 15 Mar,
10:30am - 11:00am
No Charge
All Session Dates:
Sat 1 Feb, Sat 8 Feb, Sat 15 Feb, Sat 22 Feb, Sat 1 Mar, Sat 8 Mar, Sat 15 Mar, Sat 22 Mar, Sat 29 Mar
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Situated on busy Alfrieda Street, St Albans Library is a vibrant and energetic space popular with the community. The library has 29 PCs for customer use and offers free Wi-Fi and a PC room (also used for training). As well as English books, magazines, CDs & DVDs, St Albans has items in Languages Other Than English, including Arabic, Chinese, Croatian, Macedonian, Maltese, Polish, Serbian and Vietnamese.
All events listed are either a course or a regular event, usually running on a weekly basis.
Click or tap any event to see full details including full session dates and enrolment/enquiry information.